Choosing the perfect bookmaker

Choosing the right bookmaker is simple. Many novice punters wrong decision and is preparing to make a profit. When choosing sázkovky you need to consider a number of factors. The most important of them, we introduce in this two-part article.

Evolution in online betting

Over the past decade, online betting has shifted tremendously. Even a few years ago, there was much less bookmakers as internet had fewer people and fewer still indulged online betting. Sázkovky thus offering less (or none at all) bonuses and a smaller selection of betting opportunities.

Over time originated more and more bookmakers, which means only one thing – the market is more competitive and wants to given sportsbook succeed, it must offer the best bonuses, have good customer support, offering a wide range of betting opportunities and overall user betting as much as possible pleasant. Most bookmakers relies mainly on the great bonuses and free bets – viz. Some examples:

  • Sportingbet offers a risk-free bet of up to CZK 3,000, bonus calendar, VIP club and other promotions.
  • Unibet offers a 100% bonus on your first deposit of up to CZK 2,500 and € 10 bet via mobile phone without risk.
  • Expekt offer risk-free bet of up to CZK 1,500.
  • Betclic offers risk-free bet of up to CZK 1,000.
  • Bet-at-Home offers a deposit bonus of up to CZK 5,000.

A similar way we could continue for a long time. Offered bonuses and free bets risks can significantly increase your starting bankroll, but there are other factors that you in the selection should take into account. Of course, you do not have to account for only one bookmaker, just the opposite – if you have accounts with several sázkovek, you’ll be able to use a larger amount of bonuses and always bet u sázkovky that the given match offers the best rate.

Security Finance and range of betting opportunities

Sure you want to make sure that your money will be safe. For this reason, you should avoid dubious sázkovkám and choose from a rather well-known bookmakers, who already operate in the market for some time, are fully in English and have a valid license (ideally within the EU).

Next you should focus on what selection of betting opportunities sázkovka offers. If eg. Like betting on horse races, definitely do not want to register with sázkovky that these betting offers minimum. The advantage is that large bookmakers cover all sports, so between 5 to 10 sázkovkami largest in this virtually no difference.

When deciding help our list of validated bookmakers. All the agencies in this list are reputable, offering favorable bonuses and are fully in English. Each office has overall assessment on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.

Where to start

In the world of betting has punter (= customer) great power. Selection of bookmakers is also very important, as good bonuses and favorable exchange rates in the long term can put together a truly negligible amount. If you are in the world of betting entirely new, we recommend that you first read our articles describing the basics of betting. You will get a better idea of ​​the “ecosystem” and you will have a better chance of success!

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